Traveling with babies and toddlers can be challenging. We want to make it a little easier.
Currently, strollers must be folded before boarding most MTA NYCT buses. In Spring 2023, we began expanding our successful Open Stroller pilot program, with Designated Open Stroller Areas added to more than 1,000 buses.
As of the end of 2023, stroller areas are on board the following buses:
- Brooklyn: B1, B3, B6/6 LTD, B36, B64, B74
- The Bronx: Bx6, Bx6 SBS, Bx8, Bx11, Bx17, Bx19, Bx21, Bx23, Bx27, Bx31, Bx32, Bx33, Bx35, Bx36/36LTD, Bx46
- Manhattan: M15, M31, M101, M102, M103, M125
- Queens: Q12, Q13, Q15, Q15A, Q16, Q20A, Q20B, Q26, Q28, Q31, Q32, Q44 SBS, Q48, Q50 LTD, Q76
- Staten Island: S40, S42, S46, S48, S51, S52, S53, S66, S76, S81 LTD, S86 LTD, S90 LTD, S93 LTD, S96 LTD, S98 LTD
You may also find stroller areas on some buses on routes not listed here.
Buses in the program will have one designated area for a single open stroller near the rear door, completely separate from the wheelchair securement area at the front of the bus. Be sure to look for the decal on the exterior of your bus to know if it has the designated space.
We continue to assess how well our buses can accommodate open, occupied strollers without impeding access or service for other riders.
Getting customer feedback — from both stroller users and non-stroller users — is key to the success of this program. Please use our customer feedback form to tell us what you think about our Open Stroller Program.
Designated Open Stroller Areas
Changes on the bus
Buses with a Designated Stroller Area will have a sticker with a stroller symbol on the outside of the bus, near the front door, so you will know before you board that it’s a bus that is in the program.
Depending on the type of bus, you’ll either see an open area near the rear door or a pair of flip seats across from the rear door. On all buses in the pilot program, the Designated Stroller Area will be marked with a prominent decal over the stroller area.

On the bus
- Secure your child in the stroller
- Apply the brakes on your stroller
- Maintain control of the stroller
- Keep the aisle clear
- Follow operator instructions
- Be aware of the space limitations; you may need to fold your stroller if it does not fit in the designated area
- Block the aisle
- Use the Designated Stroller Area without a stroller if you can stand or sit elsewhere
- Use the Designated Stroller Area to store other large objects

About the program
The Open Stroller Pilot Program will help us learn as much as possible about stroller use and customer needs on MTA buses. That’s why we are testing this policy change on routes that serve diverse communities in every borough, with varied travel patterns and destinations.
Our goals:
- Evaluate use of the stroller space
- Get rider feedback on seating options
- Hear from our bus operators on their experience
- Identify safety concerns and opportunities to improve
- Refine cost estimates for the program
We initially started the pilot on seven bus routes, and it rolled out to 57 total routes across all five boroughs by the end of 2023.
We will continue to evaluate the program as we go with feedback from our customers, bus operators, and community advocates. This will help us determine the best way to make New York’s buses more family-friendly while maintaining the same level of reliable and safe service.
Do you ride one of these routes, or navigate our bus system with a child who uses a stroller? Use our customer feedback form to tell us what you think about our Open Stroller Program.