Clark Street Passage
Clark Street Passage

About the project
"Clark Street Passage" is an intriguing artwork within the floor of the station that uses three geometric shapes — circles, squares, and triangles — against a black background. When customers walk down the passage they are exposed to all the configurations that can be made from these basic elements, which create a flowing sense of movement. The study of constantly shifting geometric patterns is derived from artist Ray Ring's earlier work which was heavily influenced by early geometric abstract art from the early 20th century.

About the artist
Native New Yorker, artist, and designer Ray Ring holds a BFA from Pratt Institute and an MFA from the University of Pennsylvania. For over 40 years, Ring has helped shape the visual design of CUNY’s Graduate Center. Originally hired as an artist-in-resident to paint murals across 18 floors, Ring has organized over 300 exhibitions there to date. Beyond his work at CUNY, Ring is an established exhibition design, having brought his skills to numerous other organizations, including the Municipal Archives, New York State Supreme Court, and the Neuberger Museum.