The Procession of Folk #3
The Procession of Folk #3

About the Project
Amir Bey describes “The Procession of Folk #3” as a vision of humanity's collective movements. Consisting of faceted glass in windscreens and windows, Bey based the images on the faces of his acquaintances. With its study of people, “Procession” speaks to all riders in its celebration of individuality. Bey explained, "The identity of each face is specific, never to be repeated, even over thousands of generations, like the delicate changes of any flower's colors and shapes as it adapts to the Sun's motion... The face can be a portrait or a stylized fantasy - even when I'm making a portrait of an individual. There is so much in the face, which is comprised of only a few components that can form complex expressions with endless variations, speaking a language that is universally understood."

About the Artist
Mixed media sculptor, curator, astrologer, and storyteller Amir Bey works and lives in New York City. Bey’s practice spans stone, cast metals, Sumi ink, silkscreen, papier mâché, video, and mixed media installations. Through various materials, Bey blends influences from around the world into a celebration of music, identity, community, and astrology. Exploring individuality is a key theme in Bey’s work. For Bey, humanity is a procession, moving forward. Since the 1970s, Bey has worked with musicians and performers, producing broadcast programs and organizing over 100 exhibitions in addition to his own work as a visual artist.