Subway Journey
Subway Journey
"Subway Journey" (2022) by Taili Wu

About the project
The playful scenes in Taili Wu’s “Subway Journey” celebrate the subway as a portal to experience new things, places, and people. In this colorful, hand painted and collaged stop-motion animation urban environment, an alpaca takes an airplane to reunite with family, ducks visit an art museum, a zebra explores Chinatown, and kangaroos picnic in a park, inspiring viewers to see the city anew with childlike wonder.
“Subway Journey” is presented by MTA Arts & Design with technical support from Westfield Properties and ANC Sports.
About the artist
Taili Wu is a stop-motion artist, illustrator, and animal detective based in NY, passionate about sharing stories with playful design and tactile illustrations. She creates work that sparks the imagination and curiosity with a sense of humor. Wu has been a guest speaker at Pictoplasma 2021 Online Fest, Pictoplasma NYC 2018, School of Visual Arts, Parsons, and New York Asian Women Center, and is currently a faculty member at the School of Visual Arts.