The MTA supports public and private initiatives to create new development projects above and around our train stations, as these investments are critical to the region’s economy and quality of life. We also review and approve all public and private construction activities that occur near our infrastructure.
Any public- or private-sector entity engaging in construction activities within 200 feet of MTA property must file their plans with the MTA to ensure that our unique infrastructure is protected and preserved.
The MTA’s External Partner Program guides these entities through the process of submitting construction plans to the MTA and coordinating their implementation.
To learn more about our External Partner Program, please click here or contact
The MTA sometimes partners with the private sector to develop transit infrastructure as part of private real estate projects.
Sometimes this happens when the MTA owns property adjacent to transit stations or rights of way. In other cases, this takes place because the New York City Zoning Resolution, or other local land use codes, incentivize – or even require – property owners building near an MTA station to improve access to it as part of their private project.
The MTA’s Transit-Oriented Development Program helps property owners understand their options. We collaborate to develop conceptual plans for their site, with the goals of building value, avoiding costs and improving the public realm.
If you are considering partnering with the MTA to develop transit improvements as part of your development, please click here or contact
Once the scope is agreed to, the MTA’s External Partner Program guides designers and contractors through the process of submitting construction plans and coordinating their implementation.
To learn more about our External Partner Program, please click here or contact
Municipalities and private owners often collaborate with the MTA to improve access to transit and create transit-oriented neighborhoods.
Whether at the scale of a district or an individual property, in the city or the suburbs, the MTA’s Transit-Oriented Development Program assists property owners, developers, contractors and public-sector entities who want to build on or near MTA stations throughout the region. We help our partners develop a vision and a scope for development sites. When MTA property interests are available – including land, easements or air rights – the TOD group leads the disposition process with developers.
If you are considering developing a transit oriented project or creating a transit-oriented development district, please click here or contact