The Subway Action Plan was launched at the direction of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in July 2017, to take extraordinary measures to stabilize and improve service on the more than 100-year old subway system. The program is jointly funded by New York State and New York City. These investments were focused on fixing the most critical issues affecting subway reliability and on-time performance. All values on this page in millions. Read more details about the plan.
See detailed breakdowns of SAP expenses vs. budget.

Projects by category
Track / Infrastructure
- Water management/flood mitigation
- Track cleaning
- Accelerate track repair
- Install friction pads to increase resiliency
- Triple the number of combined action teams
- Increase work train availability
- Track access training, support, and equipment
- Signal maintenance and repair
- Signal Maintainer pay-rate increase
- Training & support
- Improve power and signal power reliability
- Track access training, support, and equipment
Car equipment
- Overhaul cars and install customer amenities
- Pilot seat removal from cars
- Increase train repair capacity
- Expand number of emergency car response teams
- Lengthen C train
- Track access training, support, and equipment
- Improve station environment
- Expand dedicated EMT station deployment
- Improve elevator and escalator maintenance
- Elevator & Escalator maintainer pay-rate increase
- Improve in-station customer service
- Provide clearer, more timely information
- Support vehicle purchase/lease
- Training & support