The MTA family mourns the heavy toll COVID-19 is taking on our coworkers and loved ones.
Despite the risks, our brave colleagues continue to show up to work every day to make sure other essential workers can get to the emergency rooms, ICU wards, eldercare homes, pharmacies, restaurants, grocery stores, police stations, firehouses, and other vital jobs that keep this city and region going.
But it is not without a devastating cost.
Our MTA brothers and sisters, their families and loved ones, are dealt blow after blow with each passing day as we hear of another bus operator or train operator, maintainer, station supervisor, dispatcher, mechanic, cleaner, track worker, traffic checker, or administrative colleague who has succumbed to complications from COVID-19.
We are as aware as ever that if not for the MTA, New York's healthcare workers and first responders could not fight this crisis. The work our MTA family continues to do in the face of this global health emergency is nothing short of heroic. We are a vital part of the life-saving system battling to stop the spread, minimize the loss and the pain, and march us back to whatever new “normal” lies ahead.
This page is the first step in our memorial to the fallen heroes in our family. The MTA honors their service and dedication, and joins with all Americans in saluting their bravery and patriotism.
May they rest in peace, and never be forgotten.
- Avron Alves
- Cornell Anderson
- Hubert Belgrave
- Martin Bond
- Michael Borland
- Dimitriy Bozhovskiy
- Laricter Brown
- Nathaniel Brown
- Felix Castillo
- Henry Castro
- Hesroni Cayenne
- Thomas Chai
- Gary Cherry
- Randolph Christian
- Van Christmas
- Miguel Chumpitaz
- Clyde Coburn
- Stuart Cohen
- Denise Colbert
- Jacob Credell
- Oliver Cyrus
- Thomas David
- Mark Davis
- Philip Davis
- Juan Diaz
- Venancio "Benny" Diaz
- Scott Eric Elijah
- Sabrina Eubanks
- Clarence Facey
- Tai-Drin Fang
- Wayne Fingall
- Joseph Fletcher
- Stanley Fong
- Kyle Fulcher
- Erlin Galarza
- Maksym Ganopolskyi
- Rhonda Garvin
- Harold Germain
- Ferdi German
- Anstay Goddard
- Lev Golubov
- Franky Gonzalez
- Gregory Graham
- Hugo Gutierrez
- Ramon Gutierrez
- Paul Hall
- David Hamilton
- Ernesto Hernandez
- Ricardo Hill
- Clinton Hinds
- Lionel Hogan
- Phyllis Susan Holley
- James Houlihan
- Christopher Howard
- Edward Ilginis
- James Jackson
- Russell Jackson
- Emmanuel Jacob
- Ronnie Jimeno
- Yvette John
- Shelly Johnson
- Lalu Jose
- Alaa Khalil
- Harvey Knight
- Daryl Laborde
- Nevie Lacayo
- Frank Lee
- Sau Lee
- Salvatore Lombardo
- Cuong Luu
- Khemraj Mahadeo
- Thankachan Mathai
- Leon McKnight
- Julio Mejia
- Robert Mobyed
- Jean Levelt Modestile
- Ananda Mooliya
- Foster Moore
- Aristedes Moraitis
- Hanshraj Nankissure
- Darlisa Nesbitt
- Lawrence Nieuenkirk
- Martin O'Connell
- John Oles
- Emiliano Padilla
- Girish Patel
- Patrick Patoir
- Milagros Perez
- Harrichand Persaud
- Peter Petrassi
- John Philip
- Winston Pratt
- Mohammed Rahman
- Budlino Ramirez
- Jeanetta Riley
- Phyllis Robinson
- Miguel Rodriguez
- Clarence Roman
- Mitchell Rosenwasser
- Kevin Rossiter
- Steve Rybkin
- Alex Saint-Fleur
- Caridad Santiago
- Robert Sarutto
- Benjamin Schaeffer
- William Scott
- Graveney Severin
- Robert Simon
- Palwinder Singh
- Anthony Smith
- Rodney Sparrow
- Karn Suri
- Darryl Sweeney
- Lafayette Terrell
- Tamara Thomas
- Michael Thompson
- Cathiea Thornton-Pope
- Cesar Torres
- Orestes Torres
- Sung Truong
- Warren Tucker
- Alfredo Vegas
- Peter Voyt
- Alain Walker
- Walter Watson
- Uraul Watts
- Elecier Williams
- Kiyoto Williams
- Phillip Williams
- Franchette Woodley
- Kenneth Wright
- Victor Zapana