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PHOTOS: MTA Employees Join in Unveiling of Plaque Honoring New York City Ticker Tape Parade for Essential Workers

MTA Bus Company
Updated Apr 28, 2022 7:15 p.m.

Plaque Honors Ticker Tape Parade Held on July 7, 2021

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Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) employees Cherry Wiltshire and Alejandra Frino joined other essential workers, elected officials, and community leaders for a ceremony unveiling a plaque commemorating the New York City Essential Workers Ticker Tape Parade, which took place on July 7, 2021 along the Canyon of Heroes in Lower Manhattan. Whiltshire is a group station manager and has been with the MTA for 29 years. Alejandra Frino serves as a bus operator.

The 208th ticker tape parade celebrated and honored the essential workforce that kept New York City running during a time when the city was the global epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of on-lookers gathered to cheer and show their appreciation for the heroic workers during their march down the Canyon of Heroes along Broadway.

“I don’t think there’s any greater representation of who should be in the Canyon of Heroes than the men and women who responded during a tragic moment in our history during COVID-19,” said Mayor Eric Adams. “We are making this dedication to have a permanent symbol of what we were able to overcome.”

“At the height of the pandemic the bus system carried more essential trips than any other mode of transportation and our brave and dedicated Buses workforce were there to make that happen,” said New York City Transit Interim President Craig Cipriano. “The dedication and resolve of those heroes is truly inspiring.”

“Today is a day to celebrate courage and service,” said Downtown Alliance President Jessica Lappin. “There is a reason why you are called essential. Our beloved city cannot run without you.”

“We’re still essential workers, still trying to help and move the city and we will continue.” said MTA Group Station Manager Cherry Whiltshire “I just want to thank the city for the support and acknowledgement that they have given to all essential workers.”