Terms of use
The information here is provided by the MTA Finance Department, which is responsible for the financing of the MTA's capital needs through the issuance of debt securities.
The Finance Department is responsible for overseeing the MTA's debt portfolio and derivative portfolio, including interest rate swaps and fuel hedges.
Municipal advisor disclosure
The MTA intends that market participants receive and use the above letter for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) Municipal Advisor Rule.
This IRMA exemption letter may be relied upon through December 18, 2026, unless withdrawn or modified by the MTA.
See the IRMA Exemption Letter, dated January 20, 2023.

Bond and note transactions
Debt portfolio information
Financing agreements
Green bonds and sustainability/resiliency information
Contact us
For MTA/TBTA bondholder inquiries only
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Finance Department
2 Broadway
New York, New York 10004
On X: @mtabonds (this account provides information only)
Christina Cheung, Deputy Director, Finance
Marcia Tannian, Director, Finance and Investor Relations
Contact Trustees
For information about how to contact the Bond Trustee or to redeem bonds on the various credits, see our Trustee contact information.
Continuing disclosure
Note: MTA financial disclosure materials and event-based notices may also be accessed on EMMA.