TypeBus Network Redesign
Area Map

- October 2019: Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign initiative launched
- January 2020: Brooklyn Existing Conditions Report published
- August 2021: Bus Network Redesign initiative restarted after COVID-related pause
- December 2022: Brooklyn Draft Plan published
- Winter-Spring 2023: Brooklyn Draft Plan outreach
- Summer 2023-2025: Review Draft Plan feedback to develop Proposed Final Plan
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About the project
The Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign is an ambitious plan to improve bus travel for Brooklyn riders.
The Draft Plan, released on December 1, 2022, reimagines the current Brooklyn bus network. The proposed network has routes, stops, and frequencies that reflect customer priorities. Our goal is to meet the needs of current and future customers.
Much of what is in the Draft Plan is similar to today’s Brooklyn bus network. However, there are many proposals to improve the network for our customers. We have improved the network by simplifying it, straightening routes, creating new connections, strengthening interborough service, adjusting frequencies, and right-sizing the distance between bus stops.
Project benefits
- Improved connections and a simplified network to decrease travel times and make trips simpler
- Improved intra- and inter-borough connections, which were identified as high priorities by Brooklyn riders
- Increased frequencies to create a better all-day frequent network to meet customer needs
- Better balanced stop spacing to speed up buses and improve reliability
- Bus Priority Projects on targeted corridors will maximize travel time savings and improve quality of service
Next steps
Beginning in January 2023, the MTA hosted 50 public events and workshops on the Draft Plan to gather additional input from Brooklyn bus riders and residents. This input is informing and shaping the Proposed Final Plan.
Planning and scheduling work for the Brooklyn redesign based on your feedback is ongoing. We plan to publish the Brooklyn Proposed Final Plan in the latter half of 2025.
Explore the proposed bus network
Interactive maps
We need your feedback! Use this interactive Remix map to view our proposed bus routes and stops in detail. Please provide comments using the "Post Comment" button on the top right of the page. Then click on the route that you would like to comment on.
Where we left off
The Brooklyn Bus Network has not substantially changed in decades. The continuing decline in bus ridership in Brooklyn, and in New York City, requires a fresh look at how we provide bus service. Buses are slowing down and bus reliability is suffering. Over that same period, our customers’ needs have transformed dramatically. The bus network needs to evolve with them.
In January 2020, we released the Brooklyn Existing Conditions Report, the first major report in the bus network redesign process. The goal was to take a fresh look at Brooklyn, its people, and its travel needs, and what could be done to improve bus travel to meet those needs.
However, in March 2020, we paused work on the Bus Network Redesigns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project remained on pause for approximately 18 months.
In August 2021, we announced we would restart the Bus Network Redesigns. In Queens, we released the New Draft Plan in March 2022, and the new local network in the Bronx was implemented in June 2022.